CALTECH (California Institute of Technology) -6/17/10

Tour continuation...

This is called the Caltech Frog and Turtle pond.  On a hot day Faye told us the Turtles comes out and enjoy the sun.  When it is cold they just inside the pond.



Walking inside the courtyard of one of the house.

Bust of Robert Millikan (22 March 1868 – 19 December 1953) was an American experimental physicist, and Nobel laureate in physics for his measurement of the charge on the electron and for his work on the photoelectric effect. He served as president of Caltech from 1921 to 1945


Students would rub his nose (notice how the tip of nose is much lighter) for luck before taking their exams.

Millikan Library, The tallest building on Campus.




Fountain in front of the Millikan Library.

After the tour we went inside the cafeteria to have lunch.  The cafeteria offers a variety of food and it is really nice in there.




Our house


Photo Gallery

 Mon  petit coin