Jade Buddha Temple, Shanghai- 3/2/2023

Jade Buddha temple was built between 1918 and 1928 and is located in the bustling downtown area of Shanghai.  The temple is known for housing two Jade Buddha statues that were brought back at the turn of the 20thcentury from Myanmar by a monk Named Hui Gen. One sitting Buddha bejeweled and weighing in at a massive 425lbs but pictures are forbidden so there are no photos of the sitting Buddha. The other is a reclining Buddha.

The temple is built in a traditions Song Dynasty style with the characteristic double eaves, meaning that the roof extends beyond the external walls, creating a shaded exposed underside. 


Colorful facade.


Staying in line to buy tickets to get in the temple.


The temple consist of 3 main halls and two courtyards.


Jade Buddha Temple is an active temple with 70 resident monks living and working at the temple.




Simply gorgeous view from one of the courtyard overlooking modern building in the background.



We are now in the Chamber of the Four Heavenly kings.


The Chamber of Four Heavenly Kings contains the statues of Maitreya, Wei Tuo Bodhisattva and the Four Heavenly Kings, who represent favorable circumstance.


Mautreya is the future Buddha, who will be born to teach enlightenment in the next age.


On the left is Wei tua Bodhisattva is one of the eight divine protectors in Chinese Buddhism


2 of the four heavenly kings.  The 4 Heavenly Kings are 4 Buddhist gods each of whom is believe to watch over the 4 cardinal (North, South, East and West) of the world.


Here are the 2 others kings.


People Praying....



Buddha Hall where the reclining Buddha is located.


As soon as you get in the hall you will see the reclining Buddha


The Buddha is carved from the whole slab of white jade.


This Buddha is the effigy of Parinirvana Sakyamuni. Lying on the right side, the figure has his left hand placing on the left leg, supporting the head by his right hand, making a shape called as "lucky repose". His sedate face just shows the peaceful mood of Sakyamuni when leaving this world.


Hoa making a prayer to Buddha


Red tags hanging along the hall way. 


Red Ribbons tied to statues along the hall way.  In Chinese culture the color red symbolizes good luck and joy.


This building is the residence of the Monks and it is also a Vegetarian Restaurant.



Buddha hall




The main Courtyard.



We are headed to the Grand hall


The Grand hall


A tall Iron urn topped with a pagoda shape for people to pray and also people also thrown coins inside the urn for luck.


We are now in the Grand hall with 3 large gilded Buddha statues, the represent the past (Bhaisajya-guru), present (Sakyamuni) and future (Maitreya).


People praying in the Daxion Baodian hall


Along the hall are 8 gilded statues of Arhats. 


Arhats are people who has gained insight into the true nature of existence and has achieve Nirvana and liberated from the endless cycle of rebirth.


More Buddha statues inside the Grant hall.


So many people are staying in line so that they can pray.







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 Mon  petit coin