Surprise dinner Party- 2/11/11

Surprise-Table setting The food The gifts

The gifts!

Here I am unveiling a painting by Maily!   I never knew that Maily could paint so this was totally unexpected!

The painting was not finished yet that's why it is covered but Maily gave me the okay to take a peek!


This is a preview of the painting and the subject of the picture is the entrance of our house.

Apparently maily made a special to our house so she can take a picture without anybody knowing about it.  Kevin was home but he promised not to utter a word to me.

We also talked a lot of the painting and Tuan suggested that Maily should paint Rocky (our dog) sitting at the porch...



Opening a gift from Loan

We are just having so much fun...Here we are laughing at something funny!

It is a beautiful silk scarf  from Bally with lots of shoe motifs.

Reading Chi Mui's card...I can't see a thing with my reading glasses!

Nice gold earring from St. John.

Opening gifts from Hanh!

Hanh knows I love scarf... More to add to my collection!

Hanh also got me a beautiful silk top from St. John.

Talking about being spoiled here.

Here I am showing the top for everyone to see...

A Gorgeous Bulova watch from Huyen/Phuc.

Close look the watch.  I really like this watch! I am so lucky to have great friends.


Okay so this is a week later and Maily brought the picture over.  Noticed how she altered the door!  Originally the door was close but now it is open and Rocky is peeking out!

 I thought it was so cleaver and it also make the painting so interesting.

Here is the finished product!  Maily did a wonderful job and I simply love it.

I will frame it and will put it on top of my chimney.

Filed under: Dinner parties



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 Mon  petit coin