Thanksgiving Dinner- 11/27/2014

Set up Appetizers/soup/Carving the turkey  Thanksgiving Dinner



Cured Salmon with a Citrus Nage and Quiche Lorraine.

Close look at the quiche Lorraine and Cured Salmon

Grilled Chicken wings in Escargot butter.  This dish was inspired by our travel to Spain.

We liked the dish so much that when I got home I made the dish and put my own stamp on it.  The dish turned out to be a big hit.


Kevin, Ryan, Nicky, Justin and Long.

Kevin and Long.


Roasted pumpkin Soup

Hanh made a roasted butternut squash for us.  Here we asked everybody to stay in line so that we can served the soup.



Sitting down to enjoy our roasted pumpkin soup.


Carving the turkey

The turkey is roasted and well rested and as usual we rely on Tuan to carve the Turkey for us.

This year I got a 15 pounds turkey.  Here Tuan is removing the turkey from the roasting pan.


Tuan preparing his space to carve the turkey


It might look easy but it takes some skills to carve a turkey and  we got the best man to do the job.

Tuan at work


Next... Thanksgiving dinner



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