Thanksgiving Dinner- 11/27/2014

Set up Appetizers/soup/Carving the turkey  Thanksgiving Dinner

The set up

This year I am hosting a sit down Thanksgiving dinner for our friends and their kids.  The first thing I have to do is to create a warm and cozy environment to put everyone in a mood to celebrate Thanksgiving. 

 The decoration I used reflect the warm, rich, and cozy colors of fall.


Gold chargers are use to create a luxurious look and then I used lots autumns color to make it festive.

I have collected colorful glass pumpkins over the year and this is definitely time to put them on display.

Table overview


Setting up the buffet table

Buffet table for all the side dishes.


This the table for Ham, Roasted Turkey and Crispy pork belly.


Menu is printed it out.

Ha brought some Ham and here she is setting it up.


Desserts Table

Setting up the desserts table

Homemade brown butter apple pie

Homemade Chocolate Mouse with whipped cream

Pumpkin pie from Costco.

Trust me on this one, don't bake your own pumpkin pie just go to Costco and buy it.  It is really good and it is really cheap.  This will safe you lots of time and everyone will love this pie.

Fried Donuts with cinnamon/sugar.

Table for the young adults

Fresh red berries are used to decorate the table for the young adults.


Table overview


Next: Appetizers, Soup & Carving the turkey




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