Holiday Dinner chez Maily/Tuan -12/20/08

The holidays are coming closer.....4 more days before Christmas!  This year has been zooming by too fast!  December schedule is filling up pretty fast! The first holiday party were at the  Vu's, the second week end we got together at Trung and Ha and the 3rd weekend is at Maily's and Tuan's... there goes the first 3 weekends of December!  NO complaint there, it is just an observation that how lucky we are to have a group of such good friends.

The Set up

Maily did such a good job arranging the buffet table.  It is so festive and so pretty to look at.

Beautiful table setting reflecting the Christmas season.


Miniature Pine tree as center piece.

 View of the dessert table which is quite not ready yet!  A few desserts are still in the fridge.



Me, Hanh, Thuy, Maily, Huyen, and Doan standing at the bar and ready to help ourselves wit a nice Christmas punch that Maily mixed specially for this occasion.

Here we are hanging around the Buffet table and ready to try the appetizers.



The kids helping themselves with the appetizers.


Rachel, Ryan and Anh

Kevin, Jason and Ryan

Next... Dinner



Our house


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 Mon  petit coin