Dinner at our house- Popular dishes -4/2/10

Table set up

Guests/Appetizers Sitting down for dinner The food Desserts

Setting up the table!

It has been a while since I hosted a dinner party at our house!  I planned for a dinner in two weeks but found out that Tuan is going to England for 10 days so I moved the dinner up to this week end.  With only 5 days to figure out what to served I decided to make a few popular dished that everyone seem to enjoy each time it is served.

To set up the table, I was inspired tby classic French country with emphasis on the color blue.


When I start setting up the table I don't  really know how it will end up.  What I know for sure are which plates I want to use and then everything else is added after and if it looks good then it is a keeper, and if it does not than I just replace it until it is satisfactory.  



For the the plate setting I used blue plates mixed with gold plates.  Blue goblins are added and green and blue leaves butter plates are added for color and texture. 


I bought some tulips and I also went out to our garden and cut a bunch of flowers and used them as center piece.  



Over view of the table!

Close look at an individual plate setting.




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